[Windows] 특정 서비스 찾아 중지 시키는 방법 - tasklist, taskkill
2023. 9. 6. 23:47
전체 서비스 목록 가져오기
서비스 이미지 명으로 찾기
tasklist /fi "imagename eq System"
필터 종류 및 연산자
Filter NameValid OperatorsValid Value(s)
STATUS | eq, ne | RUNNING | NOT RESPONDING | UNKNOWN. This filter isn't supported if you specify a remote system. |
IMAGENAME | eq, ne | Image name |
PID | eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le | PID value |
SESSION | eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le | Session number |
SESSIONNAME | eq, ne | Session name |
CPUtime | eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le | CPU time in the format HH:MM:SS, where MM and SS are between 0 and 59 and HH is any unsigned number |
MEMUSAGE | eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le | Memory usage in KB |
USERNAME | eq, ne | Any valid user name (<user> or <domain\user>) |
SERVICES | eq, ne | Service name |
WINDOWTITLE | eq, ne | Window title. This filter isn't supported if you specify a remote system. |
MODULES | eq, ne | DLL name |
pid 기준 서비스 중지하기 (예 : 12676)
taskkill /f /pid 12676