(.NET) ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>
2017. 9. 17. 22:24
쓰레드로 전역 변수를 핸들링 하고자 할때 락을 거는 등의 번거러운 작업이 필요합니다.
하지만 System.Collections.Concurrent 에 속하는 네임스페이스에 병렬작업을 위한 것들이 들어있습니다.
그중에 제가 많이 쓰는 Dictionary 입니다.
ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> 를 이용하게되면 번거롭게 lock 를 거는 일이 필요없습니다.
MSDN - 여러 개의 스레드에서 동시에 액세스할 수 있는 키/값 쌍의 스레드로부터 안전한 컬렉션을 나타냅니다.
쓰레드의 안전성을 유지하며 다중 쓰레드의 동시성 읽기/쓰기를 지원하고, 쓰레드의 안정적인 반복 처리 또한 허용합니다.
사용방법이 약간 다르니 사용방법은 아래 링크로~
namespace DictionaryHowTo
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// The type of the Value to store in the dictionary:
class CityInfo : IEqualityComparer<CityInfo>
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime lastQueryDate { get; set; }
public decimal Longitude { get; set; }
public decimal Latitude { get; set; }
public int[] RecentHighTemperatures { get; set; }
public CityInfo(string name, decimal longitude, decimal latitude, int[] temps)
Name = name;
lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
Longitude = longitude;
Latitude = latitude;
RecentHighTemperatures = temps;
public CityInfo()
public CityInfo(string key)
Name = key;
// MaxValue means "not initialized"
Longitude = Decimal.MaxValue;
Latitude = Decimal.MaxValue;
lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 0 };
public bool Equals(CityInfo x, CityInfo y)
return x.Name == y.Name && x.Longitude == y.Longitude && x.Latitude == y.Latitude;
public int GetHashCode(CityInfo obj)
CityInfo ci = (CityInfo)obj;
return ci.Name.GetHashCode();
class Program
// Create a new concurrent dictionary.
static ConcurrentDictionary<string, CityInfo> cities = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, CityInfo>();
static void Main(string[] args)
CityInfo[] data =
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Boston", Latitude = 42.358769M, Longitude = -71.057806M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {56, 51, 52, 58, 65, 56,53}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Miami", Latitude = 25.780833M, Longitude = -80.195556M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {86,87,88,87,85,85,86}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Los Angeles", Latitude = 34.05M, Longitude = -118.25M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {67,68,69,73,79,78,78}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Seattle", Latitude = 47.609722M, Longitude = -122.333056M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {49,50,53,47,52,52,51}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Toronto", Latitude = 43.716589M, Longitude = -79.340686M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {53,57, 51,52,56,55,50}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Mexico City", Latitude = 19.432736M, Longitude = -99.133253M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {72,68,73,77,76,74,73}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Rio de Janiero", Latitude = -22.908333M, Longitude = -43.196389M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {72,68,73,82,84,78,84}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Quito", Latitude = -0.25M, Longitude = -78.583333M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {71,69,70,66,65,64,61}}
// Add some key/value pairs from multiple threads.
Task[] tasks = new Task[2];
tasks[0] = Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (cities.TryAdd(data[i].Name, data[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Added {0} on thread {1}", data[i],
Console.WriteLine("Could not add {0}", data[i]);
tasks[1] = Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 2; i < data.Length; i++)
if (cities.TryAdd(data[i].Name, data[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Added {0} on thread {1}", data[i],
Console.WriteLine("Could not add {0}", data[i]);
// Output results so far.
// Enumerate collection from the app main thread.
// Note that ConcurrentDictionary is the one concurrent collection
// that does not support thread-safe enumeration.
foreach (var city in cities)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has been added.", city.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key.");
// This method shows how to add key-value pairs to the dictionary
// in scenarios where the key might already exist.
private static void AddOrUpdateWithoutRetrieving()
// Sometime later. We receive new data from some source.
CityInfo ci = new CityInfo() { Name = "Toronto",
Latitude = 43.716589M,
Longitude = -79.340686M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 54, 59, 67, 82, 87, 55, -14 } };
// Try to add data. If it doesn't exist, the object ci is added. If it does
// already exist, update existingVal according to the custom logic in the
// delegate.
cities.AddOrUpdate(ci.Name, ci,
(key, existingVal) =>
// If this delegate is invoked, then the key already exists.
// Here we make sure the city really is the same city we already have.
// (Support for multiple cities of the same name is left as an exercise for the reader.)
if (ci != existingVal)
throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate city names are not allowed: {0}.", ci.Name);
// The only updatable fields are the temerature array and lastQueryDate.
existingVal.lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
existingVal.RecentHighTemperatures = ci.RecentHighTemperatures;
return existingVal;
// Verify that the dictionary contains the new or updated data.
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", cities[ci.Name].Name);
int[] temps = cities[ci.Name].RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// This method shows how to use data and ensure that it has been
// added to the dictionary.
private static void RetrieveValueOrAdd()
string searchKey = "Caracas";
CityInfo retrievedValue = null;
retrievedValue = cities.GetOrAdd(searchKey, GetDataForCity(searchKey));
catch (ArgumentException e)
// Use the data.
if (retrievedValue != null)
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", retrievedValue.Name);
int[] temps = cities[retrievedValue.Name].RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// This method shows how to retrieve a value from the dictionary,
// when you expect that the key/value pair already exists,
// and then possibly update the dictionary with a new value for the key.
private static void RetrieveAndUpdateOrAdd()
CityInfo retrievedValue;
string searchKey = "Buenos Aires";
if (cities.TryGetValue(searchKey, out retrievedValue))
// use the data
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", retrievedValue.Name);
int[] temps = retrievedValue.RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// Make a copy of the data. Our object will update its lastQueryDate automatically.
CityInfo newValue = new CityInfo(retrievedValue.Name,
// Replace the old value with the new value.
if (!cities.TryUpdate(searchKey, retrievedValue, newValue))
//The data was not updated. Log error, throw exception, etc.
Console.WriteLine("Could not update {0}", retrievedValue.Name);
// Add the new key and value. Here we call a method to retrieve
// the data. Another option is to add a default value here and
// update with real data later on some other thread.
CityInfo newValue = GetDataForCity(searchKey);
if( cities.TryAdd(searchKey, newValue))
// use the data
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", newValue.Name);
int[] temps = newValue.RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
Console.WriteLine("Unable to add data for {0}", searchKey);
//Assume this method knows how to find long/lat/temp info for any specified city.
static CityInfo GetDataForCity(string name)
// Real implementation left as exercise for the reader.
if (String.CompareOrdinal(name, "Caracas") == 0)
return new CityInfo() { Name = "Caracas",
Longitude = 10.5M,
Latitude = -66.916667M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 91, 89, 91, 91, 87, 90, 91 } };
else if (String.CompareOrdinal(name, "Buenos Aires") == 0)
return new CityInfo() { Name = "Buenos Aires",
Longitude = -34.61M,
Latitude = -58.369997M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 80, 86, 89, 91, 84, 86, 88 } };
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find any data for {0}", name);
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// The type of the Value to store in the dictionary:
class CityInfo : IEqualityComparer<CityInfo>
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime lastQueryDate { get; set; }
public decimal Longitude { get; set; }
public decimal Latitude { get; set; }
public int[] RecentHighTemperatures { get; set; }
public CityInfo(string name, decimal longitude, decimal latitude, int[] temps)
Name = name;
lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
Longitude = longitude;
Latitude = latitude;
RecentHighTemperatures = temps;
public CityInfo()
public CityInfo(string key)
Name = key;
// MaxValue means "not initialized"
Longitude = Decimal.MaxValue;
Latitude = Decimal.MaxValue;
lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 0 };
public bool Equals(CityInfo x, CityInfo y)
return x.Name == y.Name && x.Longitude == y.Longitude && x.Latitude == y.Latitude;
public int GetHashCode(CityInfo obj)
CityInfo ci = (CityInfo)obj;
return ci.Name.GetHashCode();
class Program
// Create a new concurrent dictionary.
static ConcurrentDictionary<string, CityInfo> cities = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, CityInfo>();
static void Main(string[] args)
CityInfo[] data =
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Boston", Latitude = 42.358769M, Longitude = -71.057806M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {56, 51, 52, 58, 65, 56,53}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Miami", Latitude = 25.780833M, Longitude = -80.195556M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {86,87,88,87,85,85,86}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Los Angeles", Latitude = 34.05M, Longitude = -118.25M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {67,68,69,73,79,78,78}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Seattle", Latitude = 47.609722M, Longitude = -122.333056M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {49,50,53,47,52,52,51}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Toronto", Latitude = 43.716589M, Longitude = -79.340686M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {53,57, 51,52,56,55,50}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Mexico City", Latitude = 19.432736M, Longitude = -99.133253M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {72,68,73,77,76,74,73}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Rio de Janiero", Latitude = -22.908333M, Longitude = -43.196389M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {72,68,73,82,84,78,84}},
new CityInfo(){ Name = "Quito", Latitude = -0.25M, Longitude = -78.583333M, RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] {71,69,70,66,65,64,61}}
// Add some key/value pairs from multiple threads.
Task[] tasks = new Task[2];
tasks[0] = Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (cities.TryAdd(data[i].Name, data[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Added {0} on thread {1}", data[i],
Console.WriteLine("Could not add {0}", data[i]);
tasks[1] = Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 2; i < data.Length; i++)
if (cities.TryAdd(data[i].Name, data[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Added {0} on thread {1}", data[i],
Console.WriteLine("Could not add {0}", data[i]);
// Output results so far.
// Enumerate collection from the app main thread.
// Note that ConcurrentDictionary is the one concurrent collection
// that does not support thread-safe enumeration.
foreach (var city in cities)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has been added.", city.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key.");
// This method shows how to add key-value pairs to the dictionary
// in scenarios where the key might already exist.
private static void AddOrUpdateWithoutRetrieving()
// Sometime later. We receive new data from some source.
CityInfo ci = new CityInfo() { Name = "Toronto",
Latitude = 43.716589M,
Longitude = -79.340686M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 54, 59, 67, 82, 87, 55, -14 } };
// Try to add data. If it doesn't exist, the object ci is added. If it does
// already exist, update existingVal according to the custom logic in the
// delegate.
cities.AddOrUpdate(ci.Name, ci,
(key, existingVal) =>
// If this delegate is invoked, then the key already exists.
// Here we make sure the city really is the same city we already have.
// (Support for multiple cities of the same name is left as an exercise for the reader.)
if (ci != existingVal)
throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate city names are not allowed: {0}.", ci.Name);
// The only updatable fields are the temerature array and lastQueryDate.
existingVal.lastQueryDate = DateTime.Now;
existingVal.RecentHighTemperatures = ci.RecentHighTemperatures;
return existingVal;
// Verify that the dictionary contains the new or updated data.
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", cities[ci.Name].Name);
int[] temps = cities[ci.Name].RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// This method shows how to use data and ensure that it has been
// added to the dictionary.
private static void RetrieveValueOrAdd()
string searchKey = "Caracas";
CityInfo retrievedValue = null;
retrievedValue = cities.GetOrAdd(searchKey, GetDataForCity(searchKey));
catch (ArgumentException e)
// Use the data.
if (retrievedValue != null)
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", retrievedValue.Name);
int[] temps = cities[retrievedValue.Name].RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// This method shows how to retrieve a value from the dictionary,
// when you expect that the key/value pair already exists,
// and then possibly update the dictionary with a new value for the key.
private static void RetrieveAndUpdateOrAdd()
CityInfo retrievedValue;
string searchKey = "Buenos Aires";
if (cities.TryGetValue(searchKey, out retrievedValue))
// use the data
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", retrievedValue.Name);
int[] temps = retrievedValue.RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
// Make a copy of the data. Our object will update its lastQueryDate automatically.
CityInfo newValue = new CityInfo(retrievedValue.Name,
// Replace the old value with the new value.
if (!cities.TryUpdate(searchKey, retrievedValue, newValue))
//The data was not updated. Log error, throw exception, etc.
Console.WriteLine("Could not update {0}", retrievedValue.Name);
// Add the new key and value. Here we call a method to retrieve
// the data. Another option is to add a default value here and
// update with real data later on some other thread.
CityInfo newValue = GetDataForCity(searchKey);
if( cities.TryAdd(searchKey, newValue))
// use the data
Console.Write("Most recent high temperatures for {0} are: ", newValue.Name);
int[] temps = newValue.RecentHighTemperatures;
foreach (var temp in temps) Console.Write("{0}, ", temp);
Console.WriteLine("Unable to add data for {0}", searchKey);
//Assume this method knows how to find long/lat/temp info for any specified city.
static CityInfo GetDataForCity(string name)
// Real implementation left as exercise for the reader.
if (String.CompareOrdinal(name, "Caracas") == 0)
return new CityInfo() { Name = "Caracas",
Longitude = 10.5M,
Latitude = -66.916667M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 91, 89, 91, 91, 87, 90, 91 } };
else if (String.CompareOrdinal(name, "Buenos Aires") == 0)
return new CityInfo() { Name = "Buenos Aires",
Longitude = -34.61M,
Latitude = -58.369997M,
RecentHighTemperatures = new int[] { 80, 86, 89, 91, 84, 86, 88 } };
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find any data for {0}", name);
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